Gestapo nazistiska politiska polis
Gestapo nazistiska politiska polis

What neo-Nazis have inherited from original Nazism | DW Documentary (neo-Nazi documentary) (Maj 2024)

What neo-Nazis have inherited from original Nazism | DW Documentary (neo-Nazi documentary) (Maj 2024)

Gestapo, förkortning av Geheime Staatspolizei (tyska: "Secret State Police"), den politiska polisen i Nazi-Tyskland. Gestapo eliminerade hänsynslöst motstånd mot nazisterna i Tyskland och dess ockuperade territorier och var i samarbete med Sicherheitsdienst (SD; ”Säkerhetstjänst”) ansvariga för samlingen av judar i hela Europa för utvisning till utrotningsläger.


Historikstillverkare: fakta eller fiktion?

Winston Churchill var kabinettmedlem i två världskrig.

När nazisterna kom till makten 1933, lossade Hermann Göring, den då preussiska inrikesministern, de politiska enheterna och spionageenheterna från den vanliga preussiska polisen, fyllde sina led med tusentals nazister, och den 26 april 1933 omorganiserade de dem under hans personliga kommando som Gestapo. Samtidigt omorganiserade Heinrich Himmler, SS-chef, det nazistiska paramilitära korpset, tillsammans med sin medhjälpare Reinhard Heydrich, polisen i Bayern och de återstående tyska staterna. Himmler fick befäl över Görings Gestapo i april 1934. Den 17 juni 1936 tog Himmler, förutom sin position som chef för SS, kontroll över alla tyska polisstyrkor, inklusive Ordnungspolizei (tysk: "Orderpolisen"), med sin utnämning som Reichsführer SS och chef för den tyska polisen. Nominellt under inrikesministeriet,Tysklands polis, inklusive den politiska polisen, detektivstyrkan och de uniformerade polisstyrkorna, var nu förenade under Himmler.

In 1936 the Gestapo—led by Himmler’s subordinate, Gruppenführer Heinrich Müller—was joined with the Kriminalpolizei (“Criminal Police”) under the umbrella of a new organization, the Sicherheitspolizei (Sipo; “Security Police”). Under a 1939 SS reorganization, the Sipo was joined with the Sicherheitsdienst, an SS intelligence department, to form the Reichssicherheitshauptamt (“Reich Security Central Office”) under Heydrich. In that bureaucratic maze, the functions of the Gestapo often overlapped with those of other security departments, with which the Gestapo had both to cooperate and compete. Owing to its relatively small size—approximately 32,000 personnel at the end of 1944—the Gestapo relied extensively on the use of denunciations from among the local German populace in order to conduct its investigations. The Gestapo also cooperated extensively with the Ordnungspolizei for operations inside Germany and in the occupied territories.

The Gestapo operated without civil restraints. It had the authority of “preventive arrest,” and its actions were not subject to judicial appeal. Thousands of leftists, intellectuals, Jews, trade unionists, political clergy, and homosexuals simply disappeared into concentration camps after being arrested by the Gestapo. The political section could order prisoners to be murdered, tortured, or released. Together with the SS, the Gestapo managed the treatment of “inferior races,” such as Jews and Roma (Gypsies). During World War II the Gestapo suppressed partisan activities in the occupied territories and carried out reprisals against civilians. Gestapo members were included in the Einsatzgruppen (“deployment groups”), which were mobile death squads that followed the German regular army into Poland and Russia to kill Jews and other “undesirables.” Bureau IV B4 of the Gestapo, under Adolf Eichmann, organized the deportation of millions of Jews from other occupied countries to the extermination camps in Poland.